Returning to normalcy, moving to a new reality, or going back to what is long behind us? Will it be better or worse? Easier or harder? What will our offices be like? We know one thing - it will be different, but it will be GOOD. This is not a question of over-optimism, but of faith in the ability to adapt our society to new conditions and to get creative in any situation.
Past months - the situation in the world is still worrying, although we are all slowly getting used to the new rules and requirements. The brochure we have created aims to show that every change also brings with itself a chance to improve our everyday life.
It is up to us how we approach these transformations. We recommend that you try to turn it into a benefit.
The publication contains advice on both taking care of employees and business, as well as ways to rearrange space. We are in it all together and we will overcome every turbulence together.
Serdeczne podziękowania za współpracę dla pracowni architektonicznej mode:lina™. Efektem wspólnych działań są rzuty i wizualizacje, które udowadniają, że kreatywnie przeprowadzone zmiany oprócz bezpieczeństwa mogą nadać przestrzeni świetny efekt wizualny.